Thursday, January 11, 2007

kudos to fashiontribe

an extract from a post from the lucky and very gorgeous girls at fashiontribe

Nan Kempner's Wardrobe Display at the Met's Costume Institute in NY

She's such an inspiration, what a personality! What a life!

check out more on that exhibit here

Thursday, January 04, 2007

happy new year kids!!

Happy New Year everyone!!!

I'm gonna have the best "Year of Wendy" ever! (thanks Jenny)

Woodford this year was awesome-as always, bought lots of antiques and amazing clothes, great blues and jazz this year, and as always i ate..alot..(its organic!) i love that crazy drunk clown guy :-P

Sonic Bloom which was yesterday was pretty good, had fun with mi mates but it really doesn't compare to a real music festival. I mean come on its sponsered by Supre for goodness sakes.

Looking fowards to Big Day Out and the Joanna Newsom concert!!!!!

Anyway, thats all the gigs i've got recently..

i've gone off on a tangent abit, i actually meant to post about Bjork and her amazing son "All is Full of Love.

Someone introduced me to it and its one of the most surreal, extraordinary, druglike(..hehe) musical experience ever. It is, MAGIC.

And i love it even more when i watched the video clip this morning, and read the story behind its' conception (yes'll see what i mean)

All is Full of Love is an elegant, moving description of two Björk robots in love. As they are pieced and wired into existence, they sing to each other and fall in love. The video reaches its harmonious climax as the robots join in embrace while still being detailed by the industrial machines beside them. Each robot was designed by Cunningham, faces reminiscent of Björk's own delicate features.


watch the video on youtube- i can't seem to embed it atm, so heres the link:

Edit- One of the reasons that i really LOVE Bjork is that her songs have so much dimension, i can listen to it and discover something new each time by following a different thread/layer in the song. I really find that amazing..

Monday, December 18, 2006

loooooove it.

this is amazing, so so inspiring.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

a rare find.

I discovered the Black Pheonix Alchemy Lab today. (I know, i know-Americans probably know all about it) It is so genius. I'm not really a person that can resist perfume names like Queen Mab and Absinthe.How about Casanova or Dragon's Blood? My personal favourite-Unseelie.

They have a massive range with gorgeous lines like Mad Hatter (Where you can find Drink Me, Jabberwocky and The Queen of Hearts) Theres Wanderlust with Machu Piccu, Tintagel and The Hamptons.. you will find in the Bewitching Brews line-Yggdrasil, Brimstone and Wilde.

Get the sense that I am really liking the names?

Apart from the evocative imagery of the names (My english teacher would have a field day) the perfumes live up to ( and exceed) all expectations.

this is for the person who wants to smell like Black Ice, Voodoo or Lorelai. and that's all us fashion fanatics right?

Dream team

So cool it hurts. The Paris Vogue team.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

given my current obsession with all things Miu Miu and Prada news of a Prada collaboration with LG to design a phone is getting me VERY excited. It will apparently have no keys, just a touch screen and will probably all get sold out before it even reaches Australia. Oh and that other problem? I i definately won't be able to afford it.

I leave you with some Prada. (mmm yummy)


I really love the avant-gard. LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Give me freaky Gareth Pugh and conceptual Rei Kawakubo any day. This extends to books, architecture and music as well. So i was very inspired when i learnt about John Cage and his musical piece 4'33. I really love how Cage brings anarchism, desires and mythology into his music.

4'33 is a composition that lasts 4 minutes and 33 seconds, without a single sound being played. While this might seem abit silly at first (i mean 4 minutes of silence?) the deeper concept is that the human and environmental-people shuffling, breathing, floors creaking etc are a part of, and indeed IS the music. So in that way, the blank canvas isn't blank at all but it is a composition that is always changing.John Cage leaves the physical/audible aspects of his piece to chance or chaos-he control is in the concept. Thus audiences have to look at and think about music in an entirely different way.

That's a great example of what i love about the avant-garde. The constant challenging of how I percieve the world and my interactions with it. I think it's as close to the ethereal as Socrates or Plato would describe.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Life of Pi Movie

I'm not sure how many people have read the book "Life of Pi" but it is a Booker Mann prize winner by Yann Martel. I think that it is quite esoteric, but very extoradinary-it's quite deep and requires a few readings to try to understand the many layers of meaning. It's a brilliant work of literature.

So, (onto the real topic) i was abit concerned about the upcoming movie adaption, it's not a typical Hollywood blockbuster and like The Virgin Suicides or A Beautiful Mind it needs to be very carefully adapted. But i'm so happy to learn that Jean-Pierre Jeunet will be the director.

The Jean-Pierre Jeunet and Marc Caro team have produced some of my absolute favourite french movies. Amélie, Delicatessan, La Cite des Enfants Perdus and A Very Long Engagement.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

in my temple of worship..

i don't particularly admire young celebrities (apart from a few- margherita missoni, julia roitfeld, audrey tatou). Rather, i look at older stronger women as inspiration-they this amazing energy, a sense of being really self possessed and innately stylish.

(a short and very incomplete gallery of my favourite people)

Diana Vreeland (famous, fabulous editor)

Nan Kempner (socialite)

Carine Roitfeld ( is love..)

Lady Amanda Harlech (Karl's blue blooded muse)

Anna Mouglalis (french actress, another one of Karl's muses)

Tilda Swinton (to me, she's Katherine Hepbun reincarnate)

Sophia Coppola (oh come on! you know her! Marie Antoinette for goodness sakes...)

and pretty much all the Voguettes. (Emanuelle Alt, Camilla Nickerson, Grace Coddington Lucinda Chambers..even Plum Sykes sometimes)

I think this picture sums up what I mean; Marie-Amelia Sauve (Paris Vogue) with Nathalie Marek(?) are collaborators and muses to Nicholas Ghesquiere-strong, powerful women who wear the clothes rather than let the clothes wear them.